Hello, this is my first ever blog, how exciting! I do hope you might stick around and read a line or two, but if not thanks for visiting. I'm hoping this might be somewhere quiet that I can come, away from the trials and tribulations of life and basically somewhere to sprout rubbish and show you some nice pictures of cake!
Well its Mother's Day tomorrow, I am hoping to be treated well by my family, breakfast in bed, dinner out, lots of cuddles and no arguments, well one can dream. Its been the end of an extremely long week, sleepless nights, attending to their every need, feeding them, making sure they are dressed and happy, and no I am not talking about a baby, I am referring to my husband who had the worst illness known to earth - Man Flu!!! In fairness, he did seem quite poorly, but with all the cakes I had to make this week for Mother's Day, I have to say it was not well timed.
So now I sit, glass of wine to hand, feet up, all the cake orders finally gone, my twitter feed running, my Facebook open in another window, typing my first blog and feeling quite content. So thanks for reading (if anyone is in fact reading this!), enjoy your Mother's Day tomorrow, and enjoy some pictures of cake.
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